
All the coaches tell you, “Just build a lead magnet, build a great landing page, then sit back on the beach with a cocktail in hand and watch as your list absolutely grows like crazy.”

But what do you actually write on that landing page to get the RIGHT people downloading your freebie and joining your list?

Today I’m sharing my copywriting tips to dramatically increase the conversions on your landing pages. These are the exact same tips that I use to get my own landing pages converting at upwards of 80 percent from organic traffic.


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Before we get into the actual components of your landing page copy, I feel like this might be stating the obvious but it needs to be said. You’ve got to make sure that your lead magnet is a MUST HAVE offer. 

Because it doesn’t matter how great your copywriting skills are, if your offer is lukewarm, if the offer isn’t the kind of thing that makes people go, “OMG, that’s exactly what I need,” then your traffic is simply clicking away.


Tip #1 – Keep it simple

What is the purpose of this landing page? To get conversions, right?

It doesn’t need to tell your life story, it doesn’t need to give 1,000 testimonials, it literally just needs to compel somebody to say, “Yes, here’s my email address.”

I see so many people really over complicating their landing pages and almost writing like mini sales pages just to get somebody to download a lead magnet, but the thing I really want you to remember is the more stuff that you cram onto a landing page, the more opportunity you’re presenting for your potential lead to get confused and go, “Ooh, is this actually right for me?” and bounce off the page.

Your landing page should really be seen as just that gateway so when they arrive at that gateway we just want to make it super simple, super easy for them to say, “Yes, I want to download that thing.”


Tip #2 – Use a strong headline

Your headline should immediately tell your audience that they’re in the right place. You can do this by speaking to a problem that your potential clients are experiencing, that your lead magnet will help them to resolve.

Or you can do the alternative where you use a headline that speaks to the desires that your potential clients have that your lead magnet will help them to achieve.

This is a great thing to split test for your people. Because you might find that your particular audience responds better to a desire based headline or your audience might respond much better to a problem based headline.

It really depends on the type of service that you’re offering and also really what makes sense for the type of client that you’re trying to attract. I go into more detail about how to write catchy headlines in this blog right here.


Tip #3 – Add a simple statement to explain what they’re actually getting with your download and why they would want it.

Often this statement is a simple response to the headline. For example, your headline could say “are you struggling with X…” and your statement could say, “well that’s why you need Y…”.

Now this statement does NOT need to be a paragraph. In fact, I’m talking a maximum of one to two sentences total.


Tip #4 – Make it super sexy

Here’s where we want to add a little bit more oomph to make it absolutely irresistible and make it a no brainer yes decision to hand over their email address.

When I’m writing my landing page copy, I want to create a little bit of a “When Harry Met Sally” moment. I want my headline to make them say, “Yes.” I want my statement to make them say, “YES,” and I want to add some really juicy and compelling bullet points that make them say, “Yes… YES…. YESSSSS!!!”

Adding some juicy bullet points really brings your offer home and makes your audience think, “OMG, that’s exactly what I need.” These statements need to be really compelling. They need to really show off why they would want this thing, what they are going to get out of it and why is this an absolute no brainer that they’ve got to get this thing in their inbox right now.


Bonus Tip – Add a little bit of curiosity

When you’re writing these juicy bullet points, try to add a little bit of curiosity. You don’t want the bullet point itself to give away the answer. You want to pique their curiosity and make them think “Oooh, I want to know the answer.” Because that’s going to get them hitting that download button super fast.

So instead of saying “Why you should do more Facebook Lives”
You could add curiosity and say “Discover the simple strategy to build a strong connection with your audience FAST”

Can you see how that massively boosts the curiosity factor? And your audience are going to want to download your freebie to find out the answer.


Tip #5 – Close with a strong call to action. 

All you need here is a simple button with a clear call to action. We want to keep this super simple so that they know exactly what they need to do to get their hands on your offer.
– Get Access Here –
– Download Now –
– Find Out More –

Give them ONE thing to do so their attention doesn’t drift anywhere else.

Now one of the trickiest parts about writing your landing page copy is getting those juicy bullet points to be really, really strong.  That’s why I created my free guide with 15 simple formulas to write killer headlines and juicy bullet points.  Not only will these formulas allow you to throw together really powerful statements super quickly, but I’ll also show you exactly how to find really juicy and compelling language to put INTO those formulas to make your offer sound absolutely irresistible. You can grab your free copy by clicking on this link.

Now I’d love to hear from you, so comment below and let me know what tweaks you need to make to YOUR landing page to get them to converting even higher.

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